Get an attack on new Titan versions from Steelbook for the lowest prices so far

Attack on Titan's Limited Edition Stelbooks recently offered for sale at a great price at Walmart. Fans can get seasons 1-3 for $ 40 each in Walmart. Amazon has the same deal in the second season, but the other two are currently $ 54 in Amazon. However, Amazon usually matches the Wall Mart Blue Ray deals, so we will not be surprised if the first season and the third season decrease to $ 40 in Amazon as well.

The first three anime seasons were release on Blu-ray with steel cases matching in December. Unfortunately, each season holds a list of $ 70, which is very high for one season of animation, even when you treat steel situations. It goes without saying that the new $ 40 prices make these versions more attractive. It is not clear when these deals end, so Titan's fans should disrupt them while they can.

Attack on Titan Steelbook Edition deals

Attack on Titan Seasons 1-3 Steelbook Editions
Attack on Titan Seasons 1-3 Steelbook Editions

If you are new to the attack on Titan, Anime is a beautiful animated chain, located in a world where the remains of humanity have been hidden from the eating mourners outside their walls. Throughout its 94 episodes, the story touches the heavy issues of genocide and ethnic cleansing. It is anime full of difficult drama, wonderful combat animation, and amazing soundtrack, and this new attack on Titan Stelbook Blu-ray is a great way to check the first three seasons in the show.

The attack on the fourth and last Titan season was divided into three parts. Final seasons Part 3 released in November. Limited versions of the Titan Blu-Rays attack come with some gentle additional material content, including art books, art cards, and enamel pins.

Amazon has limited time deals on the standard Blu-Ray in all three parts of the Titan: Final Season.

Titan's attack: The final season-parts 1-3 on Blue Ray

The attack on Titan Manga

Attack on Titan Manga Box groups
Attack on Titan Manga Box groups

If you are an attack on Titan Anime fans but you don't read the original manga, it will be good. The attack on the manga box groups in Titan was coordinated to comply with the seasonal structure of the display, so it is very fun “reading the season” before watching the adaptation. You will find these versions of the OMNIBUs from the manga versions

The attack on Titan's 34, the size of the ARC manga is also available in the budget -friendly omnibus versions at a list prices ranging from 18 to 20 dollars. All 12 twelve connections are at least in Amazon as well. You can start by reading the first three folders of the story in the attack on Titan Omnibus 1 for only $ 13.

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