Review of two points museum – a rudimentary exhibition – wgB
After you are responsible for health care (the terrible idea) and then teaching the next generation (they have never stood on a chance), the latest and largest input in a two -point series gives you a job where you can cause less damage to your human colleagues: museum management, where the only threat to life and the limbs is when the cave man clears the Khulaiviti on everything. Although many of what a museum does two points is familiar, the people in two points added a lot to this sequel, which makes it deeper and better in the breezy simulation concession so far.
The main game is still sound. You will need to evaluate the area where you have to work and think about the location of the restrooms for employees, toilets, workshops, snack machines and more, all while employing employees to run and maintain everything. The past two matches included creating a lot of rooms to house everything, which led to a kind of Tetris game as I discovered where you can disturb a new semester. It is a change that I agree with sincerely.
Available on: PlayStation, Xbox, PC, switching
Reviewed: PS5
It was developed by: two points
I published it: SegaThe review code provided by the publisher.
If a two -point hospital revolves around employee management and dealing with emergency situations, and the campus created your education systems in their season before watching it in the hope of dealing with the flow of students, the two points museum revolves around the discovery of how to shed through the buildings. They are carefully distinguished to see as much as possible during their visit is the game's name. Using sections, walls and doors mono -directional and more, you can suppress them around, or choose a more free design. The more they see and do more, the more you spend them in your museum, the greater the chance to donate criticism, buy some tat, then intimidate the house in a good mood.
The general structure has been kindly reformulated. I am still jumping from one site to another in an attempt to increase the classification of each museum by increasingly completing the difficult goals. There is more freedom this time, although the goal is to win enough stars to increase the total coordinator level. If you feel bored or stick to one place, you can pack your bag and go to another place for a period of time. In the previous two games, it was easy to stay in only one place and committed it abroad before moving, and the return. Here, the developers deliberately designed it so that it makes sense in some points to go to another place and return later. In fact, the prehistoric museum becomes a central center to return to it, a museum that gradually integrates all the others.
The prehistoric museum is characterized by all the bones of dinosaurs, ancient fossils and frozen caves men that you may expect, but things become little when visiting other museums. An old hotel focuses on the supernatural, including the governing guests who should be in dedicated rooms for fear that they will be bored and start possessing your paid customers. Another museum revolves around the exotic space and antiques, and it is interested in sending people to the galaxy to collect more exhibitions and meet strange races such as Mongers Cheese, who will bafflely and visit the same exhibits that you just took from their lands. There is even a strange language to decompose it to run handmade manufacturers in your museum. Plant science and aquatic life are great in other areas as well, allowing you to tamper with crazy monsters and plants under the surface of the sea that continue to try to eat guests. But it's not as if you were stuck in these topics: you can prepare a supernatural exhibition next to eating plants, if you like.
All of this is done with the magic of two usual points as well. It is still a pleasure for zooming and watching all the small animation that plays, from a guest's face sowing an exhibition to an eating plant that a man who swallows someone before spitting it outside. There is also a familiar female sound that makes dry lines on speakers from time to time. The only lost thing is Ricky Hawthorne Radio, which is a real shame.
Like a two -point hospital and two points before, you eventually run a company, which means monitoring the money that is entering the place. The game is very tolerant, perhaps more than previous entries. If you start bankruptcy, the game tries to help you, provide loans, and care deals for additional money, and even advice on where you can make some budget cuts.
There is space to play with money as well. The tickets sold at the door are just one way to bring penis. If you feel bold, you can even allow free entry and rely on guests who throw money in the donation boxes that you put, as well as a trusted gift store that sells all the meaningful TAT types such as cute Onesies and luxurious games.
There is also a greater focus on security this time. With museums growing in a place, and with your total ranking increased, you will become a target for more criminals, even in the end he caught the attention of gangs named like extreme boys who come across toilets. To face this, you can prepare guard cabins, or build a security room and cameras to serve as deterrent. Safety gates are an option, although you still add a lot of security measures, guests can start feeling uncomfortable.
At the core of the game, there is a new Expedition system you send to employees via a helicopter to search for handicrafts and items to display in your museum. Depending on the place that is sent, there is a set of possible events that can lead to injuries, delay or higher opportunities to get something better. Sending people with appropriate skills will remove or ensure these events, with the addition of a small layer of strategy to the procedures. In addition, you need to calculate the fact that any employee is sent to explore some of the remote corner of the ground will not be available to operate the museum.
Campaign maps contain multiple sites that you can go throughout Indiana Jones, and to lock new areas for a visit, which usually means meeting a set of criteria. Some of these may include doing things in your museum, such as achieving a specific classification or displaying a mixture of topics, as well as building elements in the workshop. In this way, the game also encourages you smartly to reconsider previous museums as well.
As with the entire campaign system, it becomes a problem later in the game. As you can see, the items that you can all have have a quality classification that plays a role in how to see it for guests, although the upper scarring outperforms a higher noise. While you wipe an area (by sending exploratory operations and using special elements), the ability to get this scarcity will open, but get it completely random. Some of the goals you will get along the way, requires you to get these high -quality exhibitions, which leads to boring grinds as you install the campaign after the campaign to get what you need. It is more annoying when you continue to return with one of the other possible elements.
While digging deeper into the various game systems, more and more fun are detected, but optional depth levels are completely detected. For example, using the partition walls and doors only for employees, you can easily create sections of the museum that employees can only reach. Put it smart, and you can create ways for employees to overcome the map quickly and easily. You can also force people to enter and go out through the gift store for a higher cash generation, or set specific employees to certain areas, etc. You can outperform the game without doing these things at all, but if you choose to tamper, you will find a lot of smart smart things to be tampered with.
There is a game like a two -point museum naturally at home on the computer where many lists and building sides can be handled using the mouse, but to get a chance for a personal computer, I chose the PS5 version of the game to see how the control unit holds. The answer … is not great. The root of the problem is that all the different lists first need to reach them by pressing a specific button, such as Square for building options, bottom on messages D for messages, and a triangle to get goals and so on, but then, many sub -men also need to press another button so that it does not seem logical, such as having to deceive again in the employee salaries even though it seems part of the list that I was already in.
I also faced some errors with controls. The D-Pad is often very slow to respond, especially compared to the left stick that led to a few cases I choose. If you always reach the stick in the menus that will not be a problem, but I tend to switch to D-Pad when moving in the menus, so it has become a constant source of inconvenience.
I also found a strange problem with underdeveloped controls or sometimes stopping to work completely after placing items. It appears to be closed in a position I can't get out of without clicking on the touch plate, then back down from the list that emerges. Returning controls appears to normal.
There is also a problem with the tour of the tour that carefully sends your planned way across the entire building for no reason, in turn destroys the tour classification.
It may be difficult to know exactly the reason why your museum is not earned as well. The investigation of guests and menus may reveal that people believe that tickets are at a fair price, and that exhibits are great, but there is no explanation for the reason not to rise guests. In the end, the problem may be clear (employee salaries are often the biggest cause of compassionate banking balance) and you can solve it, but often more than I would like to let me struggle to discover where everything was wrong.
There is a sand box set in many intersections and options – in addition to 3 difficulty settings – for anyone looking for something more difficult. As much as I enjoyed the freedom presented in the sand box, I did not spend much time to tamper with it because the campaign looks like a Star Gallery. Even if she got a mill in a few places, her tour was in various museums and mechanics.
In conclusion …
The two points museum takes a series that I really adore and make it better in almost everything. It is carefully sponsored by what makes this series very fun, but with some excellent new additions. Those who are looking for a strong challenge or a more protective experience, will not find simulations of two museums from two points a challenge, but for those like me who want something lighter in weight, the two points museum is a great game and the best two points so far.
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