The best symbols of creating a Hunter monster is wild
We were all there. You jump into a new game, and before you know it, you spent 90 minutes to customize your personality. This was me with Monster Hunter Wilds, but recently players have been sharing preferred design symbols before making. Do you want to be a god of Kratos? Or, anime lovers, perhaps prefer to look the best girl, Freereen, from the end of a trip. Whatever your preferences, here are the best codes to create MHW letters, as well as how to use them.

Geralet from Revia (Whitcher)
Construction Code: PN5AL8K78Ey5
Everyone's favorite silver protagonist, Geralet can easily be repeated in the Hunter monster if you adjust the settings enough. If you want a tried and laboratory version, with the completion of the face scars and the Reddit User gliolible-red8788, it has covered Witcher fans.

Siri (Witcher)
Construction Code: kt9ed6ps8TN4
Steeling with the Witcher series, it's time for Ciri. As the sure novel of The Witcher 4, Ciri will be a common choice for players looking to get their beating from the monster hunting as we are waiting for a confirmed release date. Reddit User K_808 is to thank this one.

Dean of Winchster (supernatural)
Construction Code: Vc9V49qp4EU7
Well, we know that it is not a game, but how can we leave a debtvin religion? Sourine Akils, alongside his brother Sam, is one of two heroes from the American supernatural drama. During this series, the religion faces a lot of experiences and tribulations, making it completely suitable for the Monster Hunter game. Credit goes to Reddit Member Cheap_Examination_35 for construction.

Harley Quinn
Construction Code: 986kn87h7jv6
Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn can be almost perfectly in MHW thanks to this construction code from the Reddit Glialible-Ed8788 user. With its twin tails, brand and her hair, Harley can be recognized immediately, and you can follow her example. Her position makes her the perfect monster hunter. The only thing you will need to customize yourself here is her clothes, because she is not listed in the code. If you are wearing a lot of shields, they will not be seen anyway.

Ferrerene (beyond the end of the trip)
Construction Code: JJ68C3EK4TR3
Elle Frien's anime appears to be completely amazing when re -created Monster Hunter Wilds. People familiar with anime will know that Freereen has a lot of experience in monster hunting, and these symmetry copies are close to the animation you can find. Again, Gliobile-Ed8788 on Reddit is to thank this one.

Keno Reeves (John Wake)
Construction Code: ES4E393D5U48
Long hair, tousled hair? The appearance of the signature of excellence? A rugged approach to hunting monsters? Well, two of three are not bad. Keanu Reeves can be known in this construction by the Reddit Blurplecmyk user. Why don't you try to add some blood effects to the additives? This is what John Wake wants.

Lucy (Cyberpunk Edgerunners)
Construction Code: ka8jw7mw3n68
To the right, so Lucy is not from the stereotype fishing environment, and it can get rid of a little of our construction set, but look at what extent the Reddit Ranniery-Jesuino user created Cyberpunk Edgerunners.

Billy Eich
Construction Code: UK3D693U4XL5
Megastar International has reduced the era of red and black hair in Monster Hunter Wilds thanks to Reddit Scalesoffate. Although we are not sure that Billie has a time to slaughter the monsters with its feverish schedule and the ongoing world round, we are sure that it will embrace the task that gave her half a chance.

Construction Code: 7k5nd6938a86
Can you get Harley without Joker? Well, if Harley is its way, at all, but Redditor Ohsoedwin thinks differently. This Heath Ledger era has been created with a scene using the Monster Hunter Wilds personnel, and we are very grateful.

Kratos (God of war)
Construction Code: 966P8pu3p47
The God of War itself, Kratos, can now be transferred easily to Monster Hunter and Elides, thanks to the guides on YouTube only. If you are aware of a distance distinction, Kratos is a tremendous opponent of any monster, and it will start in the game almost smoothly, especially if your favorite weapon is double blades.

Jason Momoa
Construction Code: Kn6NV4QK6B55
Let's face, Jason Momoa is a majestic man. Long tall and imposing it, does not look outside the place in the MHW with a long extension. Redditor Papubino clearly consists, as they took time to create the above interpretation. You can now live outside the dreams of khal drogo / aquaman / duncan idoho in the game.
How to use Monster Hunter Wilds
Now that any of the wonderful creations you want to use in the game decided, you will need to know how to use construction codes to import scroll settings. Perhaps you have made a true copy of someone and want to share it with society?
Import design
To import the creation code:
- Go to the final tab on the right on the letter creation screen
- Click “Design”
- Enter the code in the box
- Save design
Export design
To create a icon to design your characters:
- Go to the final tab on the right on the letter creation screen
- Click “Save/Download”
- Choose the letter to download
- Click “Download Design”
- Click “Yes” to confirm
This is our tour of what we think is the best symbol of the Monster Hunter Wilds. There is always more to be found, and this is definitely not a comprehensive list. Nevertheless, what we have a comprehensive list of MHW guides including the best MHW shield, and how to customize your SEIKRET, because of course you will need to match your new personality from this article.
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