Commando: Assets revive the wedding of hidden ethnicities
The classic Commandos series was intelligently revolving in the leadership of a team to withdraw some bold operations aimed at paralyzing the Nazi war machine and putting a real stick in the Eye of the Empire. But it is also a series that was in a relative stillness for some time, leaving other games such as shadow tactics and desperados to pick up the flame and provide a similar mix of strategy in actual time and to play the ghost workers that revolve around some decisive strategies.
With the upcoming commandos: Oriigins from Developer Claymore Game Studios, the series finally gets a long successor for a long time after the FPS 2006 show, which represents a return to the perspective of the original old school and brutal difficulty. I recently got the opening tasks for Commandos: Origins and came out of the appreciation of this revival of the open tactical game-even if it took some time to reach that.
As a return to the classic gameplay and storytelling of the early computer games in the series, Commandos: Origins is appropriately focused on establishing the elite band. As Green Bert Jack O'Hara, he was recruited by Sergeant Kumandos Hancock with a task to respond to the growing Nazi Empire. After the bold escape across the Allied Base in North Africa, which was crossed by the Axis Army, the duo soon expands its crew to engage in a greater campaign to destroy the main goals throughout Europe and even the Arctic regions.
Commandos: Orgins Works has a modern update to the classic formula of the series, but also as a jump on the point for those who have never played. It is very similar to previous games, orgins in Pulpy, and band movies in the context of Navarone weapons or Dirty Dozen for their campaign. The Core Gameplay is a mixture of actual time and tactics that go carefully, where you can lead a small team to sneak through the rules, take goals, and make them alive. Instead of moving turns like other tactics games, your team and all enemies will move in the field and interact in the actual time, which causes you to make your movements-or face the attack of enemies in this field.
Speaking to Claymore Game Studios coach, he explained how the developer was established specifically to help revive the commando chain and how they approached its update to the assets.
“The original owner of Kalypso Media, Simon Hellwig, who passed away, had an idea to repeat the commando – he was a great admirer of the original games,” said Gibhardt. “He had the opportunity to gain it, and as soon as he decided to make the next game an internal production, Cleimore Studius was specifically founded to reconsider the brand. (…) with other competitors in this type recently, they also showed that this type of game can be updated to a largely more updated level because there can be a dynamic experience. Players.”
With every task that gives you a list of goals and a large map to explore it, you are charged with completing it efficiently and carefully. By taking advantage of the blind spots in the enemy vision line and patterns of patrols and the use of tools from the main members in each group, you give you a lot of opportunities and a wide rooting in how to wipe the task. In some aspects, I felt that each stage was a puzzle box to solve-through the hidden work tactics game, and soon I had to relieve the hidden guards after they took them out of the commission.
The opening task in North Africa was a strong educational program in presenting the diversity of team members, but they are still specialized. For example, Sergeant Hancock undertakes the role of a combat Sapper, a combat engineer who can cut the barricades wires and cultivate strong explosives to detonate targets. I found a lot to appreciate it with how to coordinate every member of each squad, especially by withdrawing the advanced passes of Uhar and rapid ghost attacks to help wipe the road to his allies to break the targets.
Ghost mechanics is impressive and really shows a level of depth with an artificial intelligence enemy and level design – especially with how guards remember any allies in the region and how ice headphones are visible in places that should not be. While I often crawled across the stages to be on the safe side, I still appreciate the moments when I can get a solid jump on the enemy. One of the useful options is to put orders, which allows you to plan specific movements for multiple team members to implement everything once. After the opening task, the commando placed me immediately in the test in the next task, which finally silenced me.
Simply put, the difficulty here is very difficult. If only one commando dies, this is a loss. I am very unsuccessful – this means that the re -download is saved to try again. It is very similar to premature entries, assets cling to: assets adhere to the method of reactionary progress in each task-and this means that you will need to adopt the concept of reactionary to savings manually in many cases-since automatic waves are not present in missions. In one case during the second operation, I reached an important section of the theater, but it was quickly shot through the forces patrols. Because I focused on maneuver, I forgot to rescue and lost nearly 10 minutes of progress.
According to developers, the classic manual savings approach was intended, because it extends near the original games experience and does not seek to give players a lot of safety networks.
“We have thought a lot about the original games fans, and for them, the aspect of how to save was something that should not change simply, and it really is to get rid of freedom to decide how you want to save your progress and what risks you want to take.” “Personally, I will save a lot, and there are some bold and most experienced players who are not deliberately saved. They approach this as if it is a little puzzle in a more creative way. It's really for the commando, it's a matter of creative freedom to choose your safe points.”
I felt regularly caught, especially given the extent of long missions. I often felt the need to take a rest, but I still crowd and went. It turns out that these repetitions, in some cases, are a blessing, because it allowed me to go through the trial, error and capture of new strategies, which sometimes allows me to achieve the best clumsy position.
In one mission, I had to destroy the COMMS guard tower. I originally took out all the guards in the area, then destroyed the tower, but when the area was returned, I simply destroyed the tower and saw it clash with two guards, and I was walking away from that I was a 47 -year -old agent in two killers. In one satisfactory case, I used my own Commando Sniper to withdraw a special RYAN chain of fast snipers on the guards who have been alerted, giving my teams some breathing space for gathering.
The raw satisfaction that comes from Games Tactics is to see a plan that gathered after the risk, as the assets have provided: the origins are many of those moments – even after my overwhelming defeat. To date, the Claymore Game Studios of ComMandos revival introduces a convincing box for its return, which can restore the chain on the map as if it were an exciting and sick tactic game.
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