Ark: Survival Asted Expended Lost Colony Stars Michelle Yeh, leads to ARK 2

The survival game of dinosaurs, ARK 2, which suspected some had faced a problem or even abandoned, returned after the Wildcard developer studio revealed a new expansion of ARK: Survival Ascended, which leads to a continuation.

Ark: Lost Colony is the first original expansion package for ARK 1 Remake Ark: Ascended Asced, and its detection trailer was produced, below, by Anime Studio Mappa (Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, Chainsaw Man) and Stars voice by Michelle Yuh, Which restores its role as wages from Ark: The Ark: The Animated Series.

Studio Wildcard said that expansion will be distinguished by many anime story sequence at the cinema level created by MAPPA. Here is the official link:

In this new frozen world, the players follow the footsteps of the legendary survivors of the Ark Mei Yin, in the search for a spirit in the depth of the amazing heart of darkness to find answers to the secrets of the integrated ARK.

ARK: Lost Colony will present the survivors of new exciting challenges because they are chasing in a vast popular city, and they are able to reach strong new types of personalities, unique equipment, building systems, and alien trading tremendously.

Will the survivors be able to confront the demons lurking in Prime Arat, and to connect the past and future of the past?

In his note of pressure, Studio Wildcard said: Ark: Lost Colony “connects directly” stories of ARK extinction expansion and composition composition and lead to the events of ARK 2.

ARK 2 is a 5 -real engine supplement for the successful successful The survival of the coffin has evolved. It was first announced with the surprise of Vin Diesel Kudo at the 2020 Game Awards ceremony, at the time with the date of release 2022, but was later delayed until 2023. Then earlier in 2023, ARK 2 was delayed againThis time until late 2024 as Xbox Series X and S, one day on Game Pass, and on the computer via Steam and Windows.

Recently in December 2023, Studio Wildcard was still insisting on ARK 2 on the right track of the version window in late 2024. This was clearly not, which caused concern about the fans. So, this advertisement, next three months until 2025, will help fans that the ARK2 is still in business, despite the failure of Studio Wildcard to provide an updated version window.

We have more stable details for Ark: Lost Colony, however. Pre -orders start in June 2025, and all purchases immediately open the exclusive play content: Lost Colony Preview. A full version of November 2025, with ARK: Lost Colony at $ 29.99 for Xbox Series X, S, PlayStation 5 and PC.

Wesley is the UK news editor for IGN. Find it on Twitter on @wyp100. You can reach Wesley on or secret on

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