Xenoblade Chronicles X: Review of the final edition
In an era in which open world games are ten cents, Xenoblade Chronicles X rises above the package. There is an unparalleled feeling of freedom and exploration as you fly your mechanical suit across the huge planet Mira, which rests the other RPG dwarves like them. Although her story about finding another house can sometimes be forgotten, the attractive battle system is already enhanced by the improvements of the quality of dramatic life made by this final edition, which leads to RPG unlike anything else.
Xenoblade Chronicles X begins with space ships on the human race in an attempt to escape from Earth after she was arrested in exchanging fire in a strange war. Your ship, the white whale, eventually decreases on Mira, and it is located, you have to find its scattered residue from the new city of Los Angeles that it settled. It is an acceptable story in a vacuum, but it is also the weakest Xenoblade games in general. This is partially due to the champion of the dedicated silent novel, which is completely free of any character. This empty menu means that the story lacks the same emotional effect as other games in this series.
Fortunately, side tasks really help capture the recession, with the development of wonderful characters and the personal development of the rest of your party and even many NPCS. For example, since all humanity was forced to gather together to survive, one of the main pursuit explores the subject of discrimination against other strange races – it provides an important view of how humans interact with those races on Mira and how friendships can be formed across the ethnic borders outside the ground.
Completing any task increases the levels of converging of what is in your party at the time, which can then be canceled for the heart to the heart. These are special scenes that provide basic parts of the additional background, similar to how Persona and Legend of Heroes deal with their interconnection events. For example, Colonel ELMA's cold personality begins to melt while learn more about her interest in cars and pizza, escapes from her personality and shows us a different aspect that the main story does not do.
Once the character has a high level of convergence enough, you will also cancel her personal rapprochement tasks, and bonuses to complete them are some of the most important importance. The main draw is that the protagonist will learn exclusive fighting skills, called the arts, which cannot be obtained otherwise by raising a level. It is an excellent incentive to learn more about the support team as it gets stronger.
One of them is the engineer, Lynn. Details of her rapprochement are the integration of her engineering skills and her passion in the white whale. Although she prefers to sit on the margin, she realizes that she must also fight when needed, and for this reason she has a giant shield and Gatling rifle in the battle. Personal moments with your crew like this really helps in a balance between the fact that your gentle silent hero does not contain any of them.
The final version includes even new, useful characters, as well as a new story content worth watching. Without going to spoilers, this content is directed at an equal pace throughout the 50-60-hour campaign, which makes it feel nature with the addition of more longevity to a huge game already.
Although your main personality may be nice, the only thing that is definitely not the open world of Xenoblade Chronicles X. It is divided into five regions, and each has a type of terrain. For example, the start of Primordia is fertile herbal lands, while a subsequent area called Cauoldros feels overcome the lava fields. There are a lot of great landmarks scattered throughout Mira that keep exploration exciting, from the giant natural bridge called Arendt Bridge in Primordia to the mysterious and mechanical ring in the middle of the road outside the sand in the Oblivia Desert District.
Although the only axis area of human activity is the new La, everywhere else is still completely full of life. Each of the small monsters and customers crawls in every direction, but what makes them highlight that some are easy to drive while others are hostile. The low -level bee monster may attack you, but this creature that resembles dinosaurs at the level of 40 gigantic may walk next to you directly, taking into account its own business. Each type has its own customs and behaviors, which means that you must remain alert while exploring you instead of zigzag without mercy, as is the case in many other open world games. Some monsters will only appear at certain times of the day as well, which you can now easily adjust from the menu instead of having to find special centuries spread throughout Mira.
What also helps is the speed you work with. Final Fantasy Vii may be generally great, but I felt constantly frustrated with the slow, realistic, realistic, or not. In Xenoblade Chronicles X, your character works incredible in return. Mira's attractiveness also feels like a moon, allowing you to cover long distances and even reach higher heights with one jump. Such decisions make exploration of Mira smoother and less intimidated.
It is also impressive how much the world quality with its mechanics, which is called Skells, which opens as soon as it reaches the story. When you fall, you can move faster than running on foot, but those giant monsters that were peaceful before they are hostile to you now. This means sometimes that it is better to run to a destination instead of driving Skil there depending on what is on your way. This constantly changes the dynamic between you and the Mira environment, while maintaining fresh exploration.
Near the end of the story, Skell gets the ability to fly, allowing you to reach higher altitudes and provide access to mountains that you could not explore at first. This brings exploration to new horizons, which makes Mira really feel that she is the new human home as she gains the ability to go to any unrestricted place.
Everyone was fighting MMO
She fights in the Xenoblade Chronicles series in actual time, but it differs from other battle systems because it looks more like MMO. Both enemies and allies fight with basic automatic attacks, and you have a row of the most powerful arts to choose at the bottom of the screen. It is similarly important, the arrangement in which you use it – for example, some offensive arts can cause the overthrow of enemies, a condition that makes them fall on the ground temporarily, while others cause more damage to enemies. There is a lot of synergy to play with this adds a lot of strategy to this work.
Another unique feature is the sound of the soul. RPG characters love to give the names of their attacks and broadcast from one lines while they are fighting, and the Xenoblade Chronicles actually turns into a game mechanic! You and your allies will sometimes scream specific phrases indicating certain procedures, such as using an art that causes the effect of the condition (which is the encrypted purple color) – then the proposal will activate the purple spirit, which gives you additional bonuses such as making the enemy more vulnerable to the effects of the situation. It is immersive as it tends simultaneously to the most absurd type elements.
Arrange every Xenoblade Chronicles game
Arrange every Xenoblade Chronicles game
While all this is exactly fun as it was in the original 2015 on Wii U, Xenoblade Chronicles X: Edition Edition also adds a set of improvements in the quality of life. One of the large addition is the rapid slowdown tape, which is filled throughout the battle while using automatic attacks. By spending a portion of the tape, you can exceed the slowdown period of any art and use it immediately. Do you need an additional healing and cannot wait? Use your healing art, then the rapid slowdown to save your allies from getting out. The rapid slowding bar is somewhat slowly, so it is important to choose the right time to use it, but it can immediately convert the battle wave when doing this.
Perhaps the biggest amendment is that you can now change your party members anytime and anywhere, from a separate menu. Although this is an essential feature for many RPGs, the original version asked you to memorize where every character was in the new Los Angeles and talking to them in order to replace it. Certainly, this process may have been more closely related to the world around you, but it was also incredibly disturbing and incredibly – especially if you would have to return to the new La to change your plan. This individual change is enormous, and completely frankly, it is sufficient to make the Wii U edition feels completely miraculously on its own.
Moreover, the characters who are not in your active party will still gain Exp now, which reduces the boredom of the exchange of people around them. In the Wii U version, the combat members had to be brought and settled separately, making some very uneven structures. The final version greatly reduces unnecessary grinding, which is definitely estimated.
As for the allocation, each member of a specific group has an irreversible category, such as LIN as a shield leader, but your custom person can change their separation as desired. By declining in different layer trees, you can raise their ranks to learn new arts and negative capabilities. This makes the protagonist feel like belonging to Fire Emblem, where characters can mix and match different skills, and it is fun playing and finding the ideal setting that fits your game style.
You can also fight in your Skell, and Xenoblade Chronicles X expands its battles on it exactly as you explore it. Its statistics and excessive strength are made from the younger enemies, but it is ideal for facing Mira's giants and other presidents who may crush you. The battles in Skell play similar to that on foot, with the exception of Skell weapons that are preparing, select the type of arts that you have. It is another layer added of the depth and tampering that satisfies the part that weakens my mind.
Aside from the changes in the quality of the above -mentioned life, the final edition is proud of some nice visual improvements as well. The user interface is a lot cleaner and personal models are more pronounced (as you hope to be after a decade), which makes a smoother appearance that is finally worth one of the best science fiction games series around it. With the end of Wii U Gamepad, travel and fast -map information was also smartly reformulated in a separate list on one screen, which is completely transferred to switching. Now you are no longer obliged to experience the problems of neck pain caused by the constantly Transforming Between looking down to my game and backup game on TV.
There are also some multi -players xenoblade Chronicles X: Edition, although I could not test these features because servers were not continuing during this review period. In the Wii U version, you can recruit the avatar of other players to address the team's tasks such as defeating a certain group of enemies, enemy missions online, provided a satisfactory way to test your skills at the end of the game. Although the secondary parts of the heavy game one player are in contrast, these multi -player elements have contributed to the most focused identity on the MMO that make Xenoblade Chronicles X unique, so the hope that justice will be achieved in the final version of the final version.
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