There was once an idea of ​​the “Marvel Games World” that connects all video games together like MCU, but “has not been funded”

Marvel Cinematic University to control entertainment with a series of interconnected films and TV programs that all link each other to form a long -term, coherent novel. However, Marvel Games are not present in the same universe, as they tell stories completely separate and unrelated to each other. For example, it has nothing to do with Marvel's Spider-Man's Spider-Man games with Guardians of the Galaxy from Eidos-Montreal. Likewise, the upcoming Marvel games like Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra, Marvel's Wolverine and Marvel's Blade have no connective tissue.

But there was once an idea in Disney to create the world of Marvel games that would do MARVEL video games what MCU did in Marvel Movies and TV. So what happened?

Speaking of the fourth curtain podcast, host Alexander Seropy and guest Alex Irvin recalled the MGU idea, which she worked on, and revealed the reason for its decrease on the side of the road.

Seropian, who may have been known as one of the founders of Halo and Destiny Developer Bungie, continued to manage Disney video game before leaving in 2012. Irvine was a long -term writer at Marvel Games, who was recently working on building the world, dialogue, and characters in Smash Hit Marvel.

Discuss his previous work on Marvel games, discuss the roasted Irvine MGU.

“When I started working for the first time on Marvel games, there was an idea that it would create the world of Marvel games that was in the same way as MCU,” Irvin said. “It never happened.”

Sirubian then explained that MGU was a “initiative”, but it was not funded by the top in Disney.

“When I was in Disney, this was my initiative,” hey, let's link these games together. “It was before MCU.” “But it was not funded.”

Irvin, who worked on Halo alternative to reality (ARG) I love bees while she was in Bungie, in some details about how this MGU works.

“It was very frustrated because we reached all these great ideas on how to do this,” he said.

“I was getting out of ARGS at that point and thinking,” wouldn't it be great if we have some aspects of ARG? “There will be a place that all games can be presented, and we can move them back and forth from the game.

But why MGU failed to get the internal participation to move forward? Irvin suggested that the idea became so complicated that it ended up stopping some people in Disney.

“Even at that time, we were trying to find out,” If there was this, how is it different from comedy? Irvin explained that some of these questions have become sufficiently complicated so that there were people in Disney who did not really want to deal with them.

It is fun to imagine what might have got the MGU idea of ​​the financing you need to become a reality. Perhaps if so, the Spider-Man games were present in the same universe as Avengers from Marvel's Marvel and Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, with characters from each game that forms a veil across the addresses or stories that tend to some events similar to EndGame game.

In the future, there are questions about Wolverine's Marvel's Marvel. Will it be set in the same universe as Marvel's Spider-Man? Could it end up with Spider-Man or any other of these games in making a veil in Wolfirin in some way?

Unfortunately, the MGU decreases as the idea of ​​another video game canceled. Although he is in another world somewhere, it is a reality …

Wesley is the UK news editor for IGN. Find it on Twitter on @wyp100. You can reach Wesley on or secret on

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