Rainbow Six Siege X aims to breathe a new life in the shooter, but do not call it Siege 2
Ubisoft unveiled Rainbow Six Siege X, which is the following development of multi -players, which will come at the beginning of the Y10 S2 on June 10. Not to confuse the Six Siege 2 rainbow, some may have expected, and the update makes many changes in the rainbow six, large and small. This includes the first permanent game of the game since its launch, which is the double front 6V6, which has been designed to provide a new tactical experience for players for a long time, as well as a friendly mode for new players to learn the game.
Before the big detection, I got a few hours in the double front game, as well as the classic 5V5 placing on modern versions of the current maps, which have improved greatly from lighting and textures, as well as some other changes in the classic formula. Although the name and framing may make it similar to other living service titles that get major updates such as continuity, such as Overwatch 2, Siege X revolves around raising the level of the contract contract to modern standards, without losing anything in this process.
The dual front brings a movement that goes faster to the siege
Dual Front is permanent 6V6 permanent mode that comes to Rainbow Six Siege X when the update is launched. This situation is characterized by one large map, with warm on each side and neutral area in the middle. Each lane contains two sectors, which act as a small maps, which leads to the base of the enemy team. The team will be assigned to control the enemy sectors, one by one, with defending them as well. How to decide to divide your six -year -old team, and when the players are killed, they go after waiting for about 30 seconds. When you swing, you also have the option to exchange operators, with a mixture of offensive and defensive operators. The matches are expected to last for about 20-25 minutes, with a maximum of 30 minutes, which were lined with my experience while playing. The match may end faster if one team moves across the sectors without great resistance.
Although the situation appears overwhelming on paper, it is actually a drop -off version of the siege. Each sector contains a small building, such as a fuel station or House, which works as a map. These sectors also reflect structurally, so each team has exactly the same goals, although each aspect of the map has a little different aesthetic. Each team has only one sector active at one time, so the procedure focuses on the smaller area. These potential multiple sites are characterized by a bomb, with one selection randomly at the beginning of the match. During my time playing the dual front, I found the situation to present many new strategies not in the main 5V5 mode.
In our first match, the team was divided into three groups, one focused on the attack and one on the defense. The enemy team ended with something similar, but after we took the first enemy sector, they turned into the presence of more members of the team in the defense, allowing us to send some defenders of the attack. You can move from one end of the map to the other somewhat quickly by moving across the neutral area in the center, but you risk running to enemy players. You also have the option to move through your sectors and your rule to get a longer path, but there is nothing that prevents you from moving from one goal to another as needed.
Where the strategy comes, you do not know the number of players in the enemy team that focuses on each goal. At the beginning of the second match, we sent five people in the attack and we left one of the defense. This has succeeded well for the first group of sectors, because their defense was not ready for many people, and the attackers did not know the number of people who were defending our goal, causing them to play with great caution against one defender.
Other new wrinkles here are that the operator's restrictions no longer depend on crime and defense. Dual Front will display a group of operators -35 when launching SIEGE X- which will take place twice in each season. The Creative Director, Alexander Carbazis, told me that the number was not placed in the stone, with plans to significantly change the pool and with a compact synergy, to allow the situation to feel a different season.
I chose Frost, a defensive factor that can put the bear traps that will drop the enemies they step. After pressing the attack and agriculture in their sector, we had to defend it for a few minutes with the signing of the capture scale. With a defensive operator and access to wall reinforcements, I managed to hold the target for us to keep it and quickly turn our crime into defense.
As for the future plans of the dual front, Carbazis told me that although the current plans are to develop the map each season with small changes and various operator complexes, but depending on the community's reaction to the dual front, there may be more maps and even place in the future.
Dual Front also gave me a chance to see some of the upcoming new additions with Siege X, which will also appear in the classic 5V5 mode. Rappeelling, adding the ability to run on the side of the buildings and convert the corners. The new “destructive ingredients” are additions to the environment that provide new tactics. For example, the fire extinguishers are now present, which creates a smoke screen at lead and will tremble two close players. There are gas pipes, spreading fire when shooting before the explosion, allowing you to temporarily block a path, or to detonate any tools nearby. It is found throughout the double front map and modern 5V5 maps.
Modern 5V5 maps and arranged improvements
Rainbow Six Siege X will also include five modern maps: Clubhouse, Chaleet, Bank, Kafe and Border. Talking means many important changes, but none of them in the map layouts themselves. These are the same, including bombs, but the feeling is completely different, thanks to some improved appearance.

The three most important changes are textures, lighting and sound. For textures, most surfaces have multiplied their decisions, creating more details in environments. There is also an optional 4K tissue correction on a personal computer, allowing players who have sophisticated platforms to enjoy even the most severe texture. This combines with a new lighting system, aimed at providing more realistic shades and lighting. In practice, this changes the way the maps look significantly. Not only areas like Clubhouse brick walls are more clear in detail, but the new lighting system allows red construction to take a more saturated look.
All this comes together to create a noticeable and important layer of paint on these maps. Although much of this does not necessarily affect the way of playing, there are some aspects that do. For example, the new lighting system creates more detailed and realistic shades for players. It also allows you to see your own shadows, which is important because standing near the entrance may mean throwing the shadow in the adjacent room, and perhaps giving up your position.
Sound improvements also make a big difference. The main improvements here are trend, frequency, and compound. Now, when gunfire or steps are heard, it is more clear in the direction from which he comes, horizontally and head. On the dual front, I managed to give the means of explanation clearer to my colleagues when I heard enemies approaching, thanks to the improvement. The frequency changes now based on the size of the room, and the shots that are heard through the walls are more muffled, which makes it easy to determine which direction from which the sound came, but if it is in another room or not. In a systematic and tactical shooter like the siege, the sound is very important and these improvements are noticeable immediately in the match.
Siege X is launched with five modern maps, but Ubisoft confirmed that, every season, you will get three additional maps of modern treatments. Starting in 11, you will start adding them regularly in completely new maps with these features.

A new player on the plane and veteran bonuses
Part of hope in Siege X is that it will create another chance for new players to jump to multi -player shooter. Dual Front, a position with Respawns, is a large part of this batch, but Ubisoft also transmits the blockade to a “free access” model. This model will allow players to jump for free, with a 1 to 20 -to -20 level experience.
Although overcoming the plane will definitely make the new player's experience easier, Karpazis indicated that the barrier cannot be removed in front of the entry completely, since Siege is a game that includes more than 75 operators, and they all have different special tools for use. There will remain an intense educational curve for new players, but hope is that this start at least will reduce some of this pain.
This movement of mobility will cancel the establishment of new situations, educational lessons and operators when raising a level, with a total of 26 busy in this settlement experience. Free players can enjoy everything Siege, with two exceptions: ranking and SEGE Cup, ranked as the most competitive siege. Unwanted, TDM, double front, and any other position by free players, with no time limits or restrictions. Karpazis told me that it is expected that many players will play the game exclusively for free, although it is important to note that free players will remain able to buy micro -transactions, such as new operators and cosmetics.
Karpazis told me that this new model makes it easier for the new players to try the siege, with a dual interface as a major position to attract them, without prejudice to the arranged siege experience. He said that the game price to reach the siege cup and Siege does not change from what is currently-20 USD, but regularly reduced. He also pointed out that this decision should help reduce guilt-putting a new account to play in low-ranking pressure groups-an issue that has struggled with many archers in order to deal with it.
The mattress also gets a slight change in the operator's way. Instead of the teams going back and forth, which leads to a multiple ban at the beginning of the match, each team will prohibit one operator one before each round, the time it takes to enter a match and allow more strategic ban based on operators who choose the other team. This ban is reset when the difference is replaced by the two sides and all the ban is disabled in the case of additional work.
For players for a long time of siege, they will be happy to know that there is nothing in the game anywhere. All cosmetics and purchased operators will be available with Siege X, and current players will get some rewards within the game as well. Although Ubisoft did not tell us about the rewards, the players will receive them for each year from the siege they played and a special badge based on the year they started playing for the first time.
Rainbow Six Siege X surprised me, where I was expecting a much more repair of the divorced shooter, similar to live service games in space. Instead, Ubisoft chose not to touch what the players love about the siege and what makes it unique, a methodology that is a slow -motion that focuses on penetration and defense. The double front depends on this idea, which gives more flexibility without prejudice to the basic hypothesis, and most importantly, not to replace anything. Modern maps feel meaningful improvements, even if changes on the limbs are more than the basic way of play. SIEGE X tries to connect the needle that referred to multiple players, but focusing on the addition without removing the features or changing the essence of the game greatly makes Siege X feel like a update that can satisfy both the new players and people who have been playing a decade ago.
Ubisoft has also sparked some disclosure of SIEGE X that has not been shared yet, with a re -download event in May, before the launch of the Siege X. Siege X Beta is now taking place.
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