How to open the Caldarus Romance option in Mistria

Mistria's Caldarus Romance fields are here in the end, although getting Dragon Guardian requires a lot of work. Its human form is associated with a new pursuit that requires many rare and valuable elements, and needs to spend a lot of time in mines before you can start. Our fields in Mistria Caldarus explain how to open Caldarus to the novel and what is its favorite gifts.

How to romance like Daros in Meria fields

Good thing there is a local witch specializing in breaking seals.
Good thing there is a local witch specializing in breaking seals.

The human form of Caldarus and the subsequent access to the potential romance stage are associated with the prolonged pursuit that was presented in the areas of the second main update in Mistria, and breaking the fire seal. Access to the point where you can start searching is a good part of Spelunking in the mines, where the tablet is buried and the fire itself is sealed in the depths of the mines, at the 60th level. You will also need

Once you get the tablet, talk to Juniper in Bathhouse to start searching. Once the seal is broken, Caldarus will appear, adopt its human shape, and spend all its energy to save you from the disaster that followed after the outbreak of the seal. It is understood, somewhat tired and then retreats to his home in the deep forest of recovery-but not before he gives you a new talisman, the breath of the dragon.

This talisman is the key to removing the chrome that prevented you from entering the deep forests, and you can use it to cancel the prohibition of caves where there are formulation recipes for machine guns and amputation. Before the adventure inside, you will want to get at least a ax of copper or higher to deal with its trunks in the forest. You also need to deal with giant rock music that prevents your way next to the Carpetter store, if you don't do so, this requires at least the choice of copper.

Caldarus's house is located in the right corner in the area. Say your way there, and talk to him to add it to your magazine as a romantic interest.

Caldarous heart level

Soon after the update, the players informed that their relationship with Caldarous began at its maximum level of six hearts. It wasn't long after, NPC Studio said they had paid an amendment that means that the affection scale in Caldaros will start at a level in line with your story. In other words, if you have fallen into fields of the main story in Mistria, it will still have six hearts, but it will be less for those who have ways to go.

If you are new to the game and want to start things with Caldarus as if it was any other romantic interest, you may want to stop progressing away in the story and only do the tasks required to reach the Seal Seal.

I love Caldaros and love gifts

The Caldarus statue will remain normal on your farm, even after preparing the human Caldarus.
The Caldarus statue will remain normal on your farm, even after preparing the human Caldarus.

We have not yet revealed all Caldarus's favorite gifts, but we have a few gifts that you can aim to help attract them more effectively.

Caldaros “I love gifts

  • Caldaros statue
  • Sub -vegetable
  • Carrie apple honey
  • Spring Galit

Caldaros “I love gifts

  • Fish taco sandwiches
  • Sunday ice cream
  • Kishi vegetables
  • Golden cookies
  • Chocolate cake

The only thing we discovered is that Caldaros hates is a Dragon clutch, which he considers equivalent to giving your boyfriend a cut finger as a gift, almost surprising. With the same logic, the dragon scale may also hate.

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