People who fly MyStery New Game announces the current IP PlayStation – WGB

Well, this is a very interesting story: the people who can swear in the Polish developer have concluded an agreement with Sony Interactive Entertainment to produce a mysterious game that relies on the IP PlayStation exist.

The new game is assigned with Project Delta and we know almost nothing else, but it is based on the PlayStation IP address.

To leave a lot of way of speculation. People could fly the development of many games over the years, but they are usually attracted towards the first and third archers: the ruling, storm storms, but not limited to. The company is currently working with Microsoft Studio alliance on the upcoming Gears of War: E-Day.

Looking at, people can fly, can we safely assume that IP Sony will be some kind of shooter? The options are completely varied: Maybe resistance or Killzone? Both will be great to see the return. SOCOC is another possibility. Or maybe Helldives of some kind? Hell, it can be a supplement for arrangement: 1886

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