Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 3 in business officially – what are the chapters that can be distinguished, and which enemy factions can you fight?
The sudden announcement that Warhammer is 40,000: Space Marine 3 in the formal development, just six months after the launch of the Space Marine 2 record, it has certainly become enthusiastic fans. Now the dust has settled on the news, the ideas will inevitably turn into the place where the heroic Demetrian Titus will go to its third adventure in video games.
warning! Spoilers of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Follow.
Let's summarize the Space Marine 2 events before we go to predict what may be in the Space Marine 3 store.
Space Marine 2 believes that Titus of Ultramarines ascends against Tyranids and Alex Thoush Sun Traitor Legion in a campaign ending with a huge battle against a devil army and even a journey to the warp. With the help of Master Master Marneus Calgar, Titus succeeded in implementing both enemy factions before being sent on a mysterious mission that provokes the continuation of the story in a continuation.
Now to speculation. Space Marine 3 seems to be certain that the Necrons, Warhammer Robot Helegless Robot Xenos, in some capabilities. The Space Marine 2 mission that takes Titus in the intestine depths of a foreign planet shows ancient and mysterious walls that make up a clear signal to the Necrons.
There are even audio records (Space Marine 2 records) that reveal the Necron structures that kill technology. You can see these structures lie around the place.
In fact, during the third act of the campaign, Titus goes to the world of the Necron grave full of Necron buildings and technology. Some players believed that Xenos would show a sudden appearance as a third enemy enemy in the campaign, given the nature of the task. Unfortunately, they did not.
Can other enemy factions appear in Space Marine 3? Space Marine 2 does not reveal the nature of the new secret Titus (The Warhammer 40,000 Animation in Amazon's Secret Level Anthology, which works as a Space Marine 2 empowerment, does not reveal much of anything), but with suspicious priests forever, it closely monitors the procedures in case of erosion in the case to be sure.
At this stage, it is worth noting the exclusive IGN interview with the chief interactive creativity employees in the Saber Tim Willits, which was conducted shortly after the appearance of Space Marine 2. At that time, Welts said there was the possibility of DLC story, and revealed that ideas were already floating in Space Marine 3.
In the interview, Willits Space Marine may destroy new chapters as well as new enemy factions. “There are many different factions …” it has disturbed, “there are other chapters, too, interesting …”
Other classes, eh? Can Titus leave Ultramarines behind to join a different chapter of the Space Marine 3 adventure? If so, it is almost impossible to say at this stage that may make the seasons lower. Blood angels, dark angels and sandals are among the most common marine seasons of the common space outside the music posters, but in reality there is a long list to benefit from them. Perhaps we will get the unification of efforts with the tall AdePtus goalkeeper at some point?
What about the enemy chaos faction to fight? It would be a shame to return to fighting a thousand classes after you did it at Space Marine 2. What about this time are Abaddon the Despoiler's black lejion? Or death guard? Or maybe the emperor's children? They are a loud handful and they will be sure to keep the party.
Meanwhile, what kind of play we might get from Space Marine 3? Workshop Games, Publisher Focus Entertainment and Developer Saber Interactive say a lot at this stage, but there is a talk about “providing widespread battles more exciting”.
For me, this means how to play for vehicles, something that some hoped to see from Space Marine 2. Can we reach Drednough? unicorn? Earth speed? Ryder Earth? A attack bike? The increase in the scale, a specific piece in which you try Thunderhawk during the ground assault will already be epic.
As for the characters, Space Marine 2 features a Master MARNEUS Calgar Master Master Master Master Master Marneus Calgar above. Can Space Marine 3 go better and include Ultramarines Primarch Robute Guilliman itself? In the current preparation, it also knocks on the galaxy. Maybe we will face it.
On the other hand, there are a number of prominent traitorous primarchs who are currently straining the emperor in the form of a demon. Perhaps one of these will make a veil (the fingers crossed for mortar shells!).
Whatever the gaming workshop and the SABER Interactive, it lifted its sleeve, it seems that we will not know for a long time. She said the gaming workshop Space Marine 3 “Possibly years of release.”
Wesley is the UK news editor for IGN. Find it on Twitter on @wyp100. You can reach Wesley on wesley_yinpole@ign.com or secret on wyp100@proton.me.
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