Preview: Pokémon TCG – A journey together is a return to the form

Pokémon Tcg: Scarlet & Violet – Fall Journey on March 28, 2025, with a mechanic that we have not seen since 2004. Pokémon is returning, just like the classics of the Magma team against Team Aqua, and I was not excited to preview this group.

This group focuses on four iconic coaches: N, Iono, Lillie and Hop, each of which gets Pokémon Ex which displays the strong links they share with their teams. If you ever want a surface where N's zoroark ex or Lillie's Clefair EX or Iono's Bellibolt EX Stage is your chance now.

My journey together the product openings

Journey together the products opened for IGN inspection.
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

With more than 180 cards, there is a lot to hunt. Group has 40+ Pokémon's Trainer, 16 Pokémon Ex, 11 Rares Illustration, Six Special Mud, and Three Gold Cards are very rare. The upper hats also return, with improved enhanced display boxes with the Rishram Rarked NARE.

Journey together the standard support box

Opening the supporter box is pure chaos in the best way. With 36 packages, the absolute folder makes every clouds really exciting. It includes the most prominent investigators N's Resthiram Illustration Rare and Iono's Belibolt Ex Secret Rare, and a rare thorny energy. These were some dangerous moments, but even out of big strikes, pulled a lot of previous hard cards that go directly to the floors.

Journey together the supporter box and support packets
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

The single card that I wanted more, Zacian EX did not appear. Lillie's Clefair EX Special Art Rare? Also missing, but this is how support boxes go. You get a lot of opportunities, but nothing is guaranteed. However, this was the best way to try the group. If you like to open the packages or just want a huge injection of cards in your group, the reinforced box is always a good time. Check all the rare clouds down. This box was worth it at all.

A journey together the elite of a box coach

The elite coach's boxes always feel more premiums of just grabbing loose packages. Immediately, the N's Zorua's view drew my attention, and the same box is perfect for storing cards. Signs of sleeves, blossoms and conditions are great for anyone who plays the game, and with nine reinforced packages, there is still great room for some good clouds.

A journey together the elite of a box coach
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

I didn't expect anything very crazy with only nine packages, but I am still walking away from the rare UNO Cilwayl, and the rare illustration, and Veluza Ex. Some of the really fun cards that made the opening feel completely worth it. ETBS does not have the huge number of visits by the supporter box, but there is a nice thing about the presence of an organized product like this. If you want a combination of the opening and collection additional additions, this is a great way to try a journey together. Check the full menu of rare cards from our appointment down. We ended with some dangerous gemstones.

A journey together building and square battle

Build & Battle jobs is a completely different experience compared to an enhancement box or an Elite Trainer box, but they have a kind of excitement. The big clouds here is 40 cards, which allows you to jump directly to a game without spending time in sorting through piles of cards. Snorlax pulled from Hop as a promotional, which is actually a very great card. Its ability is given both Pokemon Hope a 30-brain batch, making it almost necessary for any surface that runs the squad.

A journey together building and square battle
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

These four packages did not disappoint you. I pulled Mamoswine EX and Swinub Illustration Rare, which could not fit my deck theme better. The limited number of packages means that you will not get the largest number of rare clouds such as the supporter box (in an amazing way), but if you are looking for a quick way to start playing with the new group, this is the best option easily. With four different promotional cards, I really want to pick up another box to find out which one I get after that. Check my journey together a preview below to see some of the best cards we got from all our openings.

We have Pokémon Tcg: A journey together attracts

I broke 49 enhanced packages in all of our products and ended with 18 rare cards. Some were exactly what I was hope, while others were complete surprises. One thing for sure, coaches will pull a lot of rare cards more than privileged developments. This is what I pulled:

Hop's Snorlax (Promo 184)

Hop's Snorlax
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

The huge basic Pokemon with 150 hp enhances all 30 Pokemon attacks by 30 additional damage. This is a great card for any group of the coach's surface, and although dynamic journalism strikes strongly, 80 stings are harmful to apostasy. However, the ability alone makes it a worthy addition to any strategy that depends on jumping.

N's zorua (Promo 189)

N's Zorua 189 (ETB Promo)
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

Nice but noticeable card is present to develop into something better. It will not run 70 horsepower and 20 damage from the zero point, but if Zoroark Ex is strong in this group, Zorua will have its moments.

Spike Energy Hyper Rare (190/159)

Spike Energy Hyper Rare 190/159
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

An immediate essential element on the floors. It deals with 20 damage every time Pokemon has a beating, making it offensive and defensive at the same time. Oh, it also provides colorless energy. Absolute victory.

Iono's Belibolt EX-Secret Rare (172/159)

Iono's Belibolt Ex Secret Rare 172/159
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

Lightning type 280 hp with energy acceleration for several days. The capacity of electrical signs allows you to attach unlimited lightning energy on IONO Pokemon, making it an immediate driver of lightning floors. Polit 230 damage is great, even if it means skipping a turn. This will see the game.

Combat fighting art of complete art (180/159)

Fullly iris combat spirit of 180/159
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

The risk pull supporter that allows you to ignore one card and draw so that you have six. This is a great way to update your hand, especially in floors that benefit from energy or Pokemon disposal. It is also a complete art, making it more sweet.

Iono's Kilowattrel Illustration Rare (163/159)

Iono's Kilowattrel rare clarification 163/159
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

Pokémon support that allows you to fill your hand with a flashing capacity. hunting? You have to ignore lightning energy first. Mach Bolt 70 damage, but this bird revolves around the feature of the hand than brutal strength.

N's Reshiram Illustration Rare (167/159)

Clarification of RSHIRAM NARE 167/159
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

Dragon type 130 hp becomes more dangerous, the greater the damage it requires. Strong anger can get dangerous numbers, while virtuous damage 170 steel but thick energy. If you like plays, highly dangerous, this is for you.

Articuno Rare Clarification (161/159)

Articuno Rare 161/159 clarification
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

Water type Pokemon can accelerate basic water energy on itself with cold flutter. This is useful to make it ready for the battle quickly, and the damage of the Ice Blast 110 respected. This is a great starting piece for any water surface.

Swinub Rare Clarification (165/159)

Swinub Rare 165/159 clarification
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

This young man is adorable is actually useful in the early. Call you to the family that allows you to search for a deck for two basic Pokemon, which is a huge preparation. Lunge Out 10 is laughed, but let's be real, Swinub is not here to attack.

Saalance Ex Secret Rare (177/159)

Saalance EX Secret Recar 177/159
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

This Dragon 320 hp monster does well-publish damage and multiply like a truck. The wide explosion deals with 50 damage to each seat Pokemon, and the dragon effect on 300 damage, but you have to ignore two energy. The absolute monster.

Hobbes Zacian former (111/159)

Zassian leap EX 111/159
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

Legendary steel type with a brutal attack of 240 dirts. The negative side? The brave Slash cannot be used twice in a row, which means you need a switch strategy. Insta-Strike is slightly harmful to spread, but Zassian is here to expel matters in one blow.

Alcremie Ex (075/159)

Alcremie Ex 075/159
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

Heavy Pokemon Pokemon, which heals 30 damage, each turn thanks to its ability to give sweets. Shotide Shot 160 damage is solid, but it is better to use this card as a sustainable option in control floors.

Mimikyu Ex (069/159)

Mimikyu Ex 069/159
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

Pokemon is difficult to spread damage. The harmful hands put three meters damage to two Pokemon your opponent, which puts the defeated later exit. The ghost trip takes 120 damages and mixes active Pokemon, which is a great way to disrupt their plays.

Veluza Ex (043/159)

Veluza Ex 043/159
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

Water type glass cannon can reach 240 damage-if you are ready to completely ignore your hand. The cleansing of the high -risk strike, a high reward, and 30 Razor Fin damage, barely worth mentioning. This card is comprehensive or nothing.

Former Laila Cliviri (056/159)

Laila Kalifieri EX 056/159
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

Of the psychological type that punishes the floors of the dragon with the ability of the fictional area, making all dragon Pokemon weak on myself. Full Moon Rondo expands its damages based on the size of the players' seat, which makes it a potential overall in the game.

The previous volcanic (031/159)

Volcanoes EX 031/159
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

From the type of fire that burns the active Pokemon to the opponent only by playing, thanks to its steam capacity.

Mamoswine Ex (079/159)

Mamoswine EX 079/159
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

Absolute tank at 340 hp can search for a deck for any Pokemon once in each in turn with mammoth transport. Al -Hadir march begins from 180 damages, but it declines if you have more stage 2 Pokemon on your seat, making it terrifying in heavy developed floors.

Salamence Ex (114/159)

Saalance EX 114/159
IGN Photo Composite / The Pokémon Company + Creators Inc.

This is the second way that I pulled, and I do not complain. The same brutal force that the other enjoys with the wide explosion to spread damage and the effect of dragon to hit 300 huge damage. If you like the great steel Pokemon, this is one.

Do you have to buy Pokémon Tcg: a journey together?

A journey together is formed to be one of the most exciting Pokemon TCG expansions in years. Pokémon's return adds to the coach, a nostalgic feature that has not been seen for years, an additional layer of character to the battles. If you collect cards for its amazing artwork, competitive value, or just nostalgia for the past, this group has something for everyone.

With the date of March 28, just around the corner, it is now time to start planning cards that want to chase. Whether it is a reshir's n's, or Bellebolt EX, or rare rare energy, there is no deficiency in amazing clouds waiting to be found.

Christianity WAIT is independent contributing to IGN statistics that covers everything that is achieved and deals. Christian has more than 7 years of experience in the game and technology industry with side lines in MASHABLE and Pocket-Tactics. It also makes Christian holdings drawn by hand for the patient miniature. Christian is also the author of the book “Pokemon Ultimate Games by Gameswarior”. Find Christian on X Chrisregiewait.

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