After announcing the HellDives, Sony is now officially restarting the tournament forces

Sony is restarting the new Starship Troopers, according to various Hollywood sources.

The Hollywood Reporter said that boycott 9, Essaium and Director of Xabi Neil Bloomagb have signed a writing and directing a new air conditioner for the stars forces, the 1959 military science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlin. The deadline and the diversity of the report support.

This new movie in Starship Toopers is not a continuation of the SCI-Fi Classic Classic Classic in 1997. Instead, it is a new adaptation of Heinlin's novel, and comes from Colombia's photos in Sony.

He mocked Paul Verhofen's forces in the novel on which they are based. Photo by Tristar Pictures/SunSet Boulevard/Corbis via Getty Images.

Blomkamp's participation news with New Starship Troopers is puzzling because Sony itself recently announced a living movie from Sudios Shooter Heldivers. Inspired by Arrowhead's Heldives greatly from the Verhoeven forces in the Verhoeven category, and the Supreme Cannon soldiers in charge of defending the fascist fascist system from the failed errors, among other enemy factions, sees freedom and democracy managed to the masses.

Sony is now facing the possibility of new films from the stars and the starfields in the face of each other, although Hollywood Reporter said that taking Blomkamp is not a new edition of Verhoeven, but rather to return to the source material. The Heinlin book, on which Veroven's soldiers depend on the stars, vigorously from the movie, where many believe that it enhances the sarcastic ideals.

These new forces are not in the Starship or the Helldivers, a release window, so it may take some time before we see or hear from any project. The last Blomkamp movie was the Sony Sony Gran Turismo, which is an air conditioner for the exclusive long -term PlayStation Simulation Simulation.

Photo by Tristar Pictures/SunSet Boulevard/Corbis via Getty Images.

Wesley is the UK news editor for IGN. Find it on Twitter on @wyp100. You can reach Wesley on or secret on

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