The God of War: The twentieth anniversary is a retroactive effect of Amazon

God of War can now translate the next twentieth anniversary retroactively in Amazon. Dark Horse's collection was published from Dark Horse, full of artwork and comments on the famous adventure series in PlayStation. God of War: The twentieth anniversary reactionary publications on July 8 for $ 100. The plural enthusiasts will want to see the luxurious Deluxe version, which returns to Preormer with a discount of approximately 10 % in Amazon.

The God of War: The twentieth anniversary retroactively – Group of Square 2 Volume

95.54 dollars ($ 100) | Publications July 8

God of war: the twentieth anniversary retroactively
God of war: the twentieth anniversary retroactively

The God of War: 20th Anniversary Retrospective Set is a group of cover books consisting of two folders characterized by artworks, behind the scenes and exclusive interviews with the main members of the development team of each game. The first volume: The Greek Epic covers the original God of war and many of the shows, while the second volume: the details of the Scandinavian Saga developed the God of War 2016 and the God of War: Rajenaruk. Both folders come trapped in a decorative voucher. Books were written by Rick Parba, the author behind the God of War: Lore and the myths, a recreation in the Atros magazine published by Dark Horse in 2020.

Group consisting of two types for $ 100, but you can save a few dollars on your pre -order in Amazon. With an amazing prior guarantee, you will pay the lowest price that is provided between the time you demand and when your box puts ships in July.

The God of War: The twentieth anniversary retroactively – Deluxe edition

$ 181 ($ 200) | Publications July 8

The God of War: The twentieth anniversary of the Deluxe print retroactively
The God of War: The twentieth anniversary of the Deluxe print retroactively

The luxurious edition contains a few prosperity and additional materials that will attract gathering enthusiasts and the great God of War fans. Both books contain the edges of gilded pages, a large column, an alternative cover art, and integrated tape signs.

Books that are promoted are stored inside a two -piece box with a unique artwork. The luxurious version also comes with a two -part wallet containing a pair of stone stones. One of the prints features artwork inspired by PlayStation 2 games, and the other depends on contemporary restart.

Deluxe Edition is sold at a price of twice the price of the standard, but Amazon currently offers a value of approximately $ 20, which leads to a decrease in the price from $ 200 to $ 181.

Several other pieces of God of War 20th Merch, including a new collection of Cook & Beck, were announced, which will be available for pre -order starting from March 18. It will be followed by the most luxurious 67 inches from the snake's Jormungandr, you will be able to pre -register in Fangamer from March 19.

Then on March 20, it will open the prior to a limited Vinyl collection of 13-DCISC Limited, which includes all the graphic music of God of War Game. A separate set will also be available based on only an original trilogy. The last piece of Major Merch is the twentieth anniversary T -shirt group. Each game in the chain gets its own shirt, which is characterized by its logo in a golden golden print on the black fabric. Predorders for T-Shirt Go Live 21 March.

67 inches from Jormungandr67 inches from Jormungandr
67 inches from Jormungandr

The new Merch is part of the twentieth anniversary of Sony God of War. Sony offers a 20 -year -old free fan collection that includes desktop wallpapers and AVATATARS PSN. Fans can also look at other upcoming events such as free DLC packages for God of War Ragnarok based on God of War and God of War II, and GOD of War games on the PlayStation Store and Steam, an official art gallery at the Los Angeles, California, and more than that.

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