Magic The Gathering Tarkir Dragonstorm for the first time: See all cards now
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The Dragon Storm is to ferment …
While many are waiting for the upcoming Final Collaboration collection, Magic: The Gathering's Universe has a storm of its birth storm first. The following universe of the game, Tarkir: Dragonstorm, was expanded, for the first time today through official treatments from the coastal coast, and with it more than three new cards and return came, some with unique alternative alternative art treatments.
This exhibition includes each card that is unveiled during the WOTC Livestream of the main group, the leadership of the leader, and a few distinguished guests. Some cards have three alternative artistic possibilities, and we all included them for each card that has also been revealed.
Tarkir: Dragonstorm is launched in April 13th in local gaming stores and adult retailers, with special events that are scheduled to start in local gaming stores participating in April 6.
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